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四川省“天府峨眉计划”和伟德bevictor中文版“双百人才”入选者,bevictor伟德官网特聘副研究员,博士研究生导师。主要研究领域是有机光电功能材料的制备工艺。获授权国际发明专利两项,实用新型专利两项。发表论文80余篇,H-index为33,i10-index为49。以第一作者或通讯作者在Science Advances,Nature Communications,Advanced Materials等发表多篇论文,被引用近四千次。是多个专业协会会员并长期担任多个杂志的评审工作。被期刊Journal of Materials Chemistry C评为2021年度Emerging Investigators,是期刊Frontiers in Electronic Materials编委。






2008.7–2012.3 博士,英国伦敦帝国理工学院材料学院

2006.10–2008.6 工学学士,英国伦敦大学玛丽皇后学院材料学院

2004.9–2006.6 工学学士,北京航空航天大学材料科学与工程学院


2019.5至今 特聘副研究员,伟德bevictor中文版化学学院/伟德bevictor中文版

2015.11–2019.4 博士后/研究人员,瑞典查尔姆斯科技大学化学与伟德bevictor中文版

2013.3–2015.11 博士后研究员,沙特阿拉伯阿卜杜拉国王科技大学太阳能中心

2012.3–2013.3 研究助理,英国伦敦帝国理工学院材料学院



[1]Liyang Yu,*Egon Pavlica, Ruipeng Li, Yufei Zhong, Carlos Silva, Gvido Bratina, Christian Müller, Aram Amassian and Natalie Stingelin*Adv. Mater., 2103002, (2022)

“Conjugated polymer mesocrystals with structural and optoelectronic coherence and anisotropy in three dimensions”

[2]Junjie Shao, Chentong Liao, Xiaopeng Xu, Min Deng,Liyang Yu*,Ruipeng Li, and Qiang Peng*Chem. Mater.,34, 7971 (2022)

“Synergistically improving the absorption, energy level, and crystallization of PM6 by a dicyanobenzothiadiazole block-based terpolymer strategy”

[3]Tongyan Yang, Chentong Liao, Yuwei Duan, Xiaopeng Xu, Min Deng,Liyang Yu,*Ruipeng LiandQiang PengAdv. Func. Mater., accepted, (2022)

“Tradeoff between intermolecular interaction and backbone disorder by high molecular dipole block for improving blend morphology of polymer solar cells”

[4]Min Deng, Huifeng Meng, Xiaopeng Xu, Jie Tang,Liyang Yu,*Ruipeng LiandQiang Peng*Chem. Eng. J.440, 135975 (2022)

“Unique W-shape Y6 isomer as effective solid additive for high-performance PM6:Y6 polymer solar cells”

[5]Wenxiang Xiang, Xiaopeng Xu, Yanping Huang,Liyang Yu,*Ruipeng Li, Yu JiangandQiang Peng*Chem. Eng. J.441, 136058 (2022)

“Verifying the structure-property-performance relationship of Y6-based small molecule acceptors by alkoxy-side chain isomerization and conjugated skeleton asymmetry”

[6]Chentong Liao, Yufei Gong, Xiaopeng Xu,Liyang Yu,*RuipengLi and QiangPeng,*Chem. Eng. J., 435,134862 (2022)

“Cost-efficiency balanced polymer acceptors based on lowly fused dithienopyrrolo[3, 2b]benzothiadiazole for 16.04% efficiency all-polymer solar cells”

[7]Min Deng, Zhenkai Ji, Xiaopeng Xu,Liyang Yu*and Qiang Peng*Curr. Appl. Mater.,1, 9 (2022)

“Benzotriazacycle cored perylene diimide non-fullerene acceptors for high-performance organic solar cells”

[8]Kaien Chong, Xiaopeng Xu,* Huifeng Meng, Jingwei Xue,Liyang Yu,Wei Ma* and Qiang Peng*Adv. Mater.,2109516 (2022)

“Realizing 19.05% efficiency polymer solar cells by progressively improving charge extraction and suppressing charge recombination”

[9]Dehong Zhou, Chentong Liao, Shaoqian Peng, Xiaopeng Xu,* Yuanyuan Guo, Jianlong Xia,* Huifeng Meng,Liyang Yu,Ruipeng Li and Qiang Peng*Adv. Sci.,9,2202022

“Binary blend all-polymer solar cells with a record efficiency of 17.41% enabled by programmed fluorination both on donor and acceptor blocks”

[10]Xiaowei Chen, Chentong Liao, Min Deng, Xiaopeng Xu,*Liyang Yu,Ruipeng Li and Qiang Peng*Chem. Eng. J., DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2022.139046(2022)

“Improving the performance of PM6 donor polymer by random ternary copolymerization of BDD and DTBT segments”

[11]Yufei Zhong,* Ahmad R. Kirmani, Xinzheng Lan, Joshua Carpenter, Annabel Rong-Hui Chew, Omar Awartani,Liyang Yu, Muhammad R. Niazi, Oleksandr Voznyy, Hanlin Hu, Guy Olivier Ngongang Ndjawa, Max L. Tietze, Alberto Salleo, Harald Ade, Edward H. Sargent and Aram Amassian*J. Mater. Chem. A,10, 1788 (2022)

“Conjugated polymers with controllable interfacial order and energetics enable tunable heterojunctions in organic and colloidal quantum dot photovoltaics”


[1]Tong Shan, Kui Ding,Liyang Yu,*Xin Wang, Yi Zhang, Xiaoyang Zheng, Chun-Chao Chen, Qiang Peng and Hongliang Zhong*Adv. Func. Mater.,31, 2100750 (2021)

“Spatially orthogonal 2D sidechains optimize morphology in all-small-molecule organic solar cells”

[2]Min Deng, Guangjun Zhang,Liyang Yu,*Xiaopeng Xu and Qiang Peng*Chem. Eng. J., 426, 131910, (2021)

“Noncovalent interaction enables planar and efficient propeller-like perylene diimide acceptors for polymer solar cells”

[3]Liyang Yu, Meiling Zhang, Jie Tang, Ruipeng Li, Xiaopeng Xu and Qiang Peng*Chem. Mater., 33, 7396 (2021)

“Wide bandgap perylene diimide derivatives as an effective third component for parallel connected ternary blend polymer solar cells”

[4] Liyang Yu,*Andrew M. Zeidell, John E. Anthony, Oana D. Jurchescu and Christian Müller*J. Mater. Chem. C,9, 11745 (2021)

“Isothermal crystallization and time-temperature-transformation diagram of the organic semiconductor 5, 11-bis (triethylsilylethynyl) anthradithiophene”

[5]Liyang Yu,*Guiseppe Portale and Natalie Stingelin*J. Mater. Chem. C,9, 10547 (2021)

“Solution-processing of semiconducting organic small molecules: What we have learnt from 5, 11-bis (triethyl silylethynyl) anthradithiophene”

[6]Liyang Yu,*Dorothea Scheunemann, Anja Lund, David Kiefer and Christian Müller*Appl. Phys. Lett.119, 181902. (2021)

“Sequential doping of solid chunks of a conjugated polymer for body-heat-powered thermoelectric modules”

[7]Meiling Zhang, Xiaopeng Xu,Liyang Yu*and Qiang Peng*J. Power Sources, 499, 229961 (2021)

“Efficient wide-band-gap copolymer donors for organic solar cells with perpendicularly placed benzodithiophene units”

[8]Wenyan Su, Yang Wang, Zhihong Yin, Qunping Fan,* Xia Guo,Liyang Yu,*Yuxiang Li, Lintao Hou,* Maojie Zhang,* Qiang Peng, Yongfang Li and Ergang Wang*ChemSusChem,14, 3535 (2021)

“13.4% efficiency from all-small-molecule organic solar cells based on a crystalline donor with chlorine and trialkylsilyl substitutions”

[9]Meiling Zhang, Yuhui Hu, Xiaopeng Xu,Liyang Yu,*Ying Li and Qiang Peng*Synthetic Met.,278, 116812 (2021)

“Core effect on indacenodithieno [3, 2-b] thiophene dimer based small molecule acceptors for non-fullerene polymer solar cells”

[10]Amir Masoud Pourrahimi,* Sarath Kumara, Fabrizio Palmieri,Liyang Yu, Anja Lund, Thomas Hammarström, Per-Ola Hagstrand, Ivan G. Scheblykin, Davide Fabiani, Xiangdong Xu and Christian Müller,*Adv. Mater.,33, 2100714 (2021)

“Repurposing poly(3-hexylthiophene) as a conductivity-reducing additive for polyethylene-based high-voltage insulation”

[11]Yuan Chang, Jianquan Zhang,* Yuzhong Chen, Gaoda Chai,* Xiaopeng Xu,Liyang Yu,Ruijie Ma, Han Yu, Tao Liu, Pei Liu,* Qiang Peng and He Yan*Adv. Energy Mater.,11, 2100079 (2021)

“Achieving efficient ternary organic solar cells using structurally similar non-fullerene acceptors with varying flanking side chains”

[12]Gaoda Chai, Yuan Chang, Jianquan Zhang,* Xiaopeng Xu,Liyang Yu, Xinhui Zou, Xiaojun Li, Yuzhong Chen, Siwei Luo, Binbin Liu, Fujin Bai, Zhenghui Luo, Han Yu, Jiaen Liang, Tao Liu, Kam Sing Wong, Hang Zhou, Qiang Peng* and He Yan*Energy Environ. Sci.,14, 3469 (2021)

“Fine-tuning of side-chain orientations on nonfullerene acceptors enables organic solar cells with 17.7% efficiency”

[13]Huifeng Meng, Chentong Liao, Min Deng, Xiaopeng Xu,*Liyang Yuand Qiang Peng*Angew. Chemie - Int. Ed.,60, 22554 (2021)

“18.77 % Efficiency organic solar cells promoted by aqueous solution processed cobalt(II) acetate hole transporting layer”

[14]Sara Marina, Alberto D. Scaccabarozzi, Edgar Gutierrez-Fernandez, Eduardo Solano, Aditi Khirbat, Laura Ciammaruchi, Amaia Iturrospe, Alex Balzer,Liyang Yu,Elena Gabirondo, Xavier Monnier, Haritz Sardon, Thomas D. Anthopoulos, Mario Caironi, Mariano Campoy-Quiles, Christian Müller, Daniele Cangialosi, Natalie Stingelin and Jaime Martin*Adv. Funct. Mater.,31, 2103784 (2021)

“Polymorphism in non-fullerene acceptors based on indacenodithienothiophene”

[15]Xiaopeng Xu, Liyang Yu, Huifeng Meng, Liming Dai,* He Yan, Ruipeng Li and Qiang Peng*Adv. Func. Mater.32, 4, 2108797 (2021)

“Polymer solar cells with 18.74% efficiency: from bulk heterojunction to interdigitated bulk heterojunction”

[16]Jun Zhao, Xiaopeng Xu,*Liyang Yu,Ruipeng Li, Ying Li and Qiang Peng*ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 13, 25214 (2021)

“Highly efficient non-fused-ring electron acceptors enabled by the conformational lock and structural isomerization effects”

[17]Yunxiang Xu, Qing Ji, Luqi Yin, Nan Zhang, Tong Liu, Na Li, Xiaochuan He, Guanzhao Wen, Wei Zhang,*Liyang Yu, Petri Murto* and Xiaofeng Xu*ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces,13, 23993 (2021)

“Synergistic engineering of substituents and backbones on donor polymers: toward terpolymer design of high-performance polymer solar cells”

[18]Yuwei Duan, Xiaopeng Xu,*Liyang Yu,Ying Li, Ruipeng Li and Qiang Peng*Dyes Pigments,191, 109387 (2021)

“Molecular packing modulation enabling optimized blend morphology and efficient all small molecule organic solar cells”

[19]Xiaopeng Xu,Liyang Yuand Qiang Peng*Chin. J. Chem.39, 243 (2021)

“Recent advances in wide bandgap polymer donors and their applications in organic solar cells”


[1]Min Deng, Xiaopeng Xu, Young Woong Lee, Leif K. E. Ericsson, Ellen Moons, Han Young Woo,* Ying Li,Liyang Yu* and Qiang Peng*Nanoscale12, 12928 (2020)

“Fine regulation of crystallisation tendency to optimize the BHJ nanostructure and performance of polymer solar cell”

[2]Min Deng, Xiaopeng Xu,Liyang Yu,*Ruipeng Li and Qiang Peng*Dyes Pigments180, 108452 (2020)

“Fused ring non-fullerene acceptors with benzothiophene dioxide end groups and their side chain effect investigations”

[3]Yuhui Hu, Wenlin Wu,Liyang Yu,*Kaijun Luo,* Xiaopeng Xu, Ying Li and Qiang Peng*Acta Chim. Sinica78, 11, 1246 (2020)

“Synthesis and photovoltaic properties of perylene diimide based small molecular acceptors with a diketopyrrolopyrrole core”

[4]Ying Li, Yufei Gong, Yongjie Che, Xiaopeng Xu,Liyang Yu*and Qiang Peng*Front. Chem.8, 350 (2020)

“Propeller-like all-fused perylene diimide based electron acceptors with chalcogen linkage for efficient polymer solar cells”

[5]Xiaopeng Xu, Liyang Yu, He Yan,* Ruipeng Li and Qiang Peng*Energy Environ. Sci.13, 4381 (2020)

“Highly efficient non-fullerene organic solar cells enabled by a delayed processing method using a non-halogenated solvent”

[6]Sandra Hultmark, Sri Harish Kumar Paleti, Albert Harillo, Sara Marina, Ferry Anggoro, Ardy Nugroho, Yanfeng Liu, Leif K. E. Ericsson, Ruipeng Li, JaimeMartín, Jonas Bergqvist, Christoph Langhammer, Fengling Zhang, Liyang Yu, Mariano Campoy-Quiles, Ellen Moons, Derya Baran* and Christian Müller*Adv. Funct. Mater.30, 2005462 (2020)

“Suppressing co-crystallization of halogenated non-fullerene acceptors for thermally stable ternary solar cells”

[7]Xiaopeng Xu, Kui Feng,Liyang Yu, He Yan,* Ruipeng Li and Qiang Peng,*ACS Energy Lett.5, 2434 (2020)

“Highly rfficient all-polymer solar cells enabled by p-doping of the polymer donor”

[8]Ziye Tang, Xiaopeng Xu, Ruipeng Li,*Liyang Yu, Lei Meng,* Yuliang Wang,* Ying Li and Qiang Peng*ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces12, 17760 (2020)

“Asymmetric siloxane functional side chains enable high-performance donor copolymers for photovoltaic applications”

[9]Alberto D. Scaccabarozzi, James I. Basham, Liyang Yu, Paul Westacott, Weimin Zhang, Aram Amassian, Iain McCulloch, Mario Caironi, David J. Gundlach and Natalie Stingelin*J. Mater. Chem. C8, 15406 (2020)

"High-density polyethylene—an inert additive with stabilizing effects on organic field-effect transistors"


[1]Xiaopeng Xu, Guangjun Zhang,Liyang Yu,* Ruipeng Li and Qiang Peng*Adv. Mater.1906045, (2019)

"P3HT-based polymer solar cells with 8.25% efficiency enabled by a matched molecular acceptor and smart green-solvent processing technology"

[2]Xiaopeng Xu, Min Deng, Young Woong Lee, Han Young Woo,* Xinhui Zou, Yu Jiang,Liyang Yu,*Ying Lia and Qiang Peng*J. Mater. Chem. A7, 24937 (2019)

"Realizing high-efficiency multiple blend polymer solar cells via a unique parallel-series working mechanism"

[3] Liyang Yu,* Deping Qian, Sara Marina, Ferry A. A. Nugroho, Anirudh Sharma, Sandra Hultmark, Anna I. Hofmann, Renee Kroon, Johannes Benduhn, Detlef-M. Smilgies, Koen Vandewal, Mats R. Andersson, Christoph Langhammer, Jaime Martín, Feng Gao and Christian Müller*ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces11, 21766 (2019)

"Diffusion-limited crystallization: a rationale for the thermal stability of non-fullerene solar cells"

[4]David Kiefer*, Renee Kroon, Anna I. Hofmann, Hengda Sun, Xianjie Liu, Alexander Giovannitti, Dominik Stegerer, Alexander Cano, Jonna Hynynen,Liyang Yu, Yadong Zhang, Dingqi Nai, Thomas F. Harrelson, Michael Sommer, Adam Moulé, Martijn Kemerink, Seth R. Marder, Iain McCulloch, Mats Fahlman, Simone Fabiano and Christian Müller*Nat. Mater.18, 149 (2019)

"Double doping of conjugated polymers with monomer molecular dopants"

[5]Khushbu Kushwaha,Liyang Yu, Kati Stranius, Sandeep Kumar Singh, Sandra Hultmark, Muhammad Naeem Iqbal, Lars Eriksson, Eric Johnston, Paul Erhart, Christian Müller and Karl Börjesson*Adv. Sci.6, 1801650 (2019)

"A record chromophore density in a high-entropy liquid of two low-melting perylenes: A new strategy for liquid chromophores"

[6]Renee Kroon,*Anna I Hofmann,Liyang Yu, Anja Lund and Christian Müller*Chem. Mater.31, 8, 2770 (2019)

"Thermally activated in situ doping enables solid-state processing of conducting polymers"

[7]Yuanbao Lin,LiyangYu, Yuxin Xia, Yuliar Firdaus, Sheng Dong, Christian Müller, Olle Inganäs, Fei Huang, Thomas D. Anthopoulos,* Fengling Zhang* and Lintao Hou,*Solar RRL, 3, 8, 1900179 (2019)

"One-step blade-coated highly efficient nonfullerene organic solar cells with a self-assembled interfacial layer enabled by solvent vapor annealing"


Liyang Yu, Aram Amassian, WO/2016/199093,发明专利

“Method of fabricating patterned crystal structures”

Weili Yu,Liyang Yu, Aram Amassian, WO/2018/047066,发明专利

“Organo-lead halide perovskites thin single crystals”





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