
英国伯明翰大学Zhibing Zhang教授应邀来伟德bevictor中文版作报告

发布时间 :2016年07月04日      阅读量:

2016年7月1日下午3点,英国伯明翰大学(University of Birmingham,UK)中国学院常务副经理Zhibing Zhang(张志兵)教授应邀在伟德bevictor中文版245会议室为公司师生作了题为“chemical engineering for better quality of our daily life”的学术报告,本次报告会有伟德bevictor中文版经理褚良银教授主持。

报告会上Zhibing Zhang教授首先介绍了化学工程学科的发展历史,接着提出了现代化学工程的几个新的方向,包括产品工程,系统分析和优化,工业生态与共生等。随后Zhang教授重点讲解了产品工程中涉及高附加值化工产品的设计和制造,并结合自己的研究实例指出产品的物理结构和功能在很大程度上决定了化工产品价值。Zhibing Zhang教授讲解了他与宝洁公司合作研究,开发了微囊化包裹香精的洗衣液有利于提高我们的日常生活质量,提出了该研究面临的挑战,在研究工作中逐一解决了微囊的机械强度、微囊的零泄露性能、微囊在衣服表面的吸附固定等科学问题。报告结束,Zhibing Zhang教授和现场师生进行了热烈讨论和交流,他耐心地回答了老师和同学们从中英化工行业的发展阶段、中国化工发展现状和展望、以及具有特殊结构和功能的化工产品的研究和应用等方面的问题,学术气氛十分活跃。

本次报告Zhibing Zhang教授为同学们讲述了化学工程学科的历史及演变,就消费者和工业的需求提出了对化工学科的挑战和机会,报告内容十分精彩,大家收获颇丰。

附Zhibing Zhang(张志兵)教授简介:

Professor Zhibing Zhang, PhD DSc FIChemE received his BEng from Hefei University of Technology in 1982, MSc and PhD from East China University of Science and Technology in 1985 and 1988 respectively, and has been working in the School of Chemical Engineering, University of Birmingham, UK since 1989. He has an outstanding international reputation for developing original work on micromanipulation studies of biological and non-biological materials and encapsulation of active ingredients for pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, human care, fabric care, and agrochemical applications based on micro/bioencapsulation. He has collaborated with 40 international/national companies, and has provided technical consultancy services to 25 companies. He served as Deputy Head of the School (2007-2015), and is now Deputy Director of the China Institute (2015-), University of Birmingham.

His research has generated major impacts on industry and academia, which played a very important part in winning the Queen’s Anniversary Prize 2011 by the School, a 4 star impact case in REF (Research Excellent Framework) 2014, being Runner up of the IChemE Global Awards in the category of Innovative Products 2014, and an award of DSc (Doctor of Science) by University of Birmingham in 2016.



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