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Ghent University and Wuhan University Prof. Francis Verpoort应邀来伟德bevictor中文版作报告

发布时间 :2016年06月20日      阅读量:



报告题目:Effect of bulkiness on the catalytic performance of Ru-olefin metathesis catalysts

Prof. Francis Verpoort简介

“Expert of the State” in the frame of “Thousand Talents” program, PR China

Chair professor at State Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology for Material Synthesis and Processing Director of Laboratory of Organometallics, Catalysis and Ordered Materials (LOCOM) (Wuhan University of Technology, China),Full Professor in Inorganic and Physical Chemistry,Full Professor at Ghent University Global Campus, Songdo Korea(Ghent University, Belgium) etc. Author of more than 180 scientific publications Citations:4450 citations and H index, Author of Review and Feature papers (Chem. Rev., 5 Chem. Soc. Rev., 5 Coord. Chem. Rev., Adv. Synth & Catal., PhysChem ChemPhys, Trends in Anal. Chem., Curr. Org. Synth). Appointed Officer of the Order of Leopold II by King Albert II for services to the country, 2010 (Belgium) ; “Yellow Crane Tower” Talent Wuhan.

上一条:英国伯明翰大学Zhibing Zhang教授应邀来伟德bevictor中文版作报告