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美国克拉克森大学Prof.David Mitlin应邀来公司做学术报告

发布时间 :2017年06月22日      阅读量:

2017年6月14日上午10:30,美国克拉克森大学教授,Sustainable Energy & Fuels (RSC)副主编—David Mitlin老师应邀在伟德bevictor中文版望江校区正行楼313报告厅为公司师生进行了一场题为“Biomass derived nano-materials for electrochemical application”的精彩学术报告。此次学术报告由伟德bevictor中文版博导储伟教授主持,伟德bevictor中文版、化学学院等相关学院师生40余人聆听了本次学术报告;闫康平教授、王贵欣、陈建钧、刘慰等老师参与了此次学术交流。

David教授从新型电极材料研究背景出发,介绍了他们组发表在Energy&Environmental Science等刊物的相关研究工作,研究了一系列新型电极材料的制备、形貌、性能调控和优化,如钠电负极材料硒化钠;以生物质为前驱体,热解制备硬炭负极材料等,丰富而精彩。




David Mitlin is a full Professor and GE Chair in the Clarkson University, majoring in the Materials Science and Energy Storage. Dr.Mitlin received a Doctorate in Materials Science from U.C.Berkeley in 2000. From 2000 to 2002, Dr.Mitlin worked as an Integration Engineer at the IBM Semiconductor Research and Development Center, in Hopewell Junction NY. From 2002 to 2004, Mitlin was at Los Alamos National Laboratory(USA), where he was awarded a Directors Funded Post Doctoral Fellowship. Since 2004, he joined the University of Alberta. Dr.Mitlin has published over 100 peer-reviewed journal articles, such as the ACS Nano, Energy&Environmental Science, Advanced Energy materials, Nano Research; cited more than 5000 times. Prof. Dr.Mitlin is an Editor for Journal of Materials Science, and serves on the Board of Review for Metallurgical and Materials Transactions, etc.


敬方梨 周亚男 供稿

李根 审稿

